Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Victorian type homes and houses,both in England and the US, for example, often had an air of elegance and charm and so on, even if some people were not wealthy or had homes that resembled castles......Today's crap with its ultra slim and light materials for moderns and contemporaries who occupy apartments, flats, and pads or live in tents,etc. and hate to lift heavy chairs or use large tables and often prefer to sit 'yogi'style on the floors and roam around the rooms 'doggie' style, then one can understand why old furniture is often seen as 'antiques' commanding high prices if any good stuff can be found....well, of course, wood and timber in the US is hard to come by,that is, the great trees of long age are seldom to be found and usually have to be protected in various ways, otherwise they are turned into wood pellets and bio-fuels... Anyway, the armchair and the couch,now used mostly for TV and other entertainments, rather than for rest and meditation, seem archaic and obsolete for many...but some of the world's greatest thinkers have made use of such furniture in their own way to come up with some ideas and things that still exert an influence on mankind, at least to those who read and understand them perhaps.

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