Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I had written what I wanted to say and then, somehow the blog was erased and I can't recall exactly what I had written...an example, no doubt, of bad things happening, at least to me! Setting aside for the moment, notions and concepts and concerns about 'good' or 'bad'(which is also the problem of evil) which are also theological/religious/philosophical/esoteric-occult,etc.,most persons in the modern-contemporary world would tend to favor what is often called 'common sense' and'politically correct' answers or considerations of these problems/issues/topics,etc. However, the basic question of WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? is actually about SUFFERING or HUMAN MISERY and for most of us, the usual answers are not satisfactory and so we play the 'blame-game' with all kinds of things....THE TRADITIONAL WAYS of answering such questions also are not in vogue with contemporary persons and the life-styles demanded are not easily followed: THE WAY OF THE YOGI, THE WAY OF THE MONK, THE WAY OF THE FAKIR,ETC. although many imagine they are doing such these days in their street corner dojos, temples, ashrams,etc. and the may, to give the benefit of doubt, be doing something however minimal.

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