Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In spite of mankind's rudimentary understanding and so-called self-knowledge, the earliest men remained animals both in appetites and their behavior!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


All the old and ancient notions are still with us,revived by world-wide electronic communications and readily available forms of 'media' that are cheaply reproduced hard copy. As man moves from stone carvings of all kinds to paper adn then to electronic images, you can bet on this: ONLY THE STONES WILL REMAIN TO ATTEST THAT LIFE ONCE EXISTED ON EARTH, WHEN THE EARTH BECOMES A DEAD PLANET, perhaps absorbed by 'the MOON'.

Friday, October 9, 2009


The quantification of life has begun and most people are not wholly aware of its implications.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


When we bundle together the sheaves of all our characteristics, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, we do not realize that even if we study them , we are completely ignorant of our CHIEF FEATURE, which is, one of those things that everyone can see except yourself! This Chief Feature is readily apparent to those who come to see and know you and so forth, but you are blind to this feature and you can only see this CHIEF FEATURE long after many trials and tribulations and much painful study. It does absolutely no good for anyone to tell you about this Chief Feature or to describe it to you or for you. You will not believe it,most likely, you will deny it, and it will hide from you as you go off in another direction. Then you also have a sort of 'false'self that gets you into many difficulties, mainly by promising things that cannot be possibly delivered, even though at the time you express 'deep sincerity', 'complete honesty' and which you quickly forget you ever made and this contradiction has to be resolved. It is not merely presenting a false face or social front which is another matter that needs to be discussed. CHIEF FEATURE will be an aspect of your fate that only can be overcome once you get beyond the obstacles that will confront you on the Path to Self-Knowledge.


CHARACTER is often seen as being either 'good' or 'bad'; 'strong' or 'weak' but such notions are simplistic. Since the term 'characteristic' is derived from CHARACTER, we would do well to consider physical, mental and emotional characteristics in any dsicussion of why one's FATE dependsin large part,if not entirely, on one's character. By listing under each cctegory the traits and otehr aspects, one can expect to find a good deal about one's self,perhaps one's fate! Abrief example might be: under physical-weak or strong; tall or short; thin or fat,etc. while under mental:dull or bright, slow or fast, keen or sharp,etc.; and under emotional: angry or happy,sad or glad, spirited or dejected,etc. Of course, you have to supply your own adjectives all of which can describe the outcomes of certain behaviors one displays. You can conjure up your images and supply your own examples but quite often when others do so for you, you might experience a 'SHOCK' which will make you realize perhaps that the self-image you have is nothing like how others see you or 'characterize' you! Of course this is only a slight hint, and we tend to suffer when such happens because we feel other people simply do not appreciate us enough or understand us,etc.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This armchair series I am composing will perhaps tend to exhaust the ability of readers to maintain their 'armchair' status and goad them into professional efforts and less amateurish areas than what appear here.


Here one can travel along the open roads of the imagination and discuss places one would actually like to be outside the normal routine of life, one's workplace, or one's actual obligations and without spending any time aboard ship, plane, or on foot. No need to get seasick, airsick, or hot and dusty or cold and wet, traipsing about the globe when one, in the privacy of one's home or on-line can view videos, photos, maps, travel brochures and anything else that will lend support to one's notions of ideal travel without lifting a foot or perhaps just a finger or two. You can also sample, thanks to globalization, all the exotic or nearly all of the exotic foods and cuisine around the worth, either by takeout, by calling in for delivery, or opening one's own refrig after some shopping trips to the super-duper stores,etc. Bon Apetit!


There are a number of 'martial artists' and others who like to sit in their chairs and pontificate on war, fighting, video games of a similar nature, and read, discuss, and explain all sorts of theories, applications, histories, personalities, etc. in this field, and I have to admit, it is tempting to do so and to avoid getting any blood shed,either yours or any actual opponent or enemy you may encounter, and additionally not expending any energy,undergoing any risk or even sweating when one can be in a most comforable chair or roo,


In this posting, I hope to convey some of my interests in HISTORY, which is a large area with many categories and topics, but will tend to focus on my specific interests and observations,which will,no doubt, be far from the usual ones held by many others. Whether or not those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it, remains to be seen and is not as yet proven, only surmised,because, while perhaps most things are relative especially those everyone thinks are absolute, when things recur they do not always repeat in exactly the same manner.


In this blog I hope to examine a few of my own personal and peculiar notions that some might classify as merely 'intellectual' or of concern to only those who tend to dwell on topics of little interest to the larger mass of humanity,so please bear with me and add your own comments and criticisms as you go along, if you can bear to read any of this. I should be amazed, not just pleasantly pleased, if anyone does.